Page name: the two princesses [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-04 07:02:16
Last author: farawaygone
Owner: farawaygone
# of watchers: 6
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Hello and welcome to our castle.
This land is ruled by two sisters princess [~Altopia~] and princess [farawaygone] We welcome all who wish to partake in a mystical adventure. Just say what role you would like to have in this wiki and we will see what we can do.

The youngest princess on the right. Enjoys playing music, singing and warking through the gardens

The princess on the left. She is a very tallented artist and enjoys painting drawing and playing the piano.

[Sand Dragon of the East]
princess starflyy's knight his nickname is sirquackalot and he a very loyal and brave knight indeed.

Well he is just who he is a really nice guy who always has the time to talk to me...

[Iron Horse]
A white knight who protects the castle from attack.. also is part magician and can cast white healing spells.

[studwillie] The royal magician, he can to incredible magic spells... and can see the future.

Altopia's Kirby Knight.

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2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: Hello and welcome to the land of mystery, I am princess starflyy pleased to make your aquantance.

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: *quack* Sirquacksalot at yuor servise Lady Starflyy

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: hello my dear knight how great of you to come

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: my servises are at your will, i only hope i can fofill my every task that u give me*quack*

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: *smiles* well let me see what shall we do... we could go for a walk in the garden.

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: If yuo wish my lady, a knights sole duty is to serve and protect*quack*

2005-02-24 [~Altopia~]: Oohhh, I like ducks!!!!*smiles*

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: hes my little ducky... catch your own he he.

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: *quack*??????*looks to Lady Starflyy and proceeds to escort her to the garden*

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: grabs sirquackalots hand and leads him outside.

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: *quack* didnt know i was so popular? *walks threw the garden with Lady Starflyy*

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: i didn't know i was lafy staflyy... it kinda sounds nice.. walks through the tulip gardens and finds a beautiful gazebo and sits down

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: *quack* sorry typo, f and d are next to each other------*follows Lady Starflyy and stands next to her as she sits*

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: asks sirquackalot if he would like some champagne.

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: yes my Lady but only a little*quack*

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: *pulls two goblets from her pocket and pours sirquackalot a really big drink*

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: o.0 *looks at the full gablet and starts to sip it a couple times* 

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: *smiles and patts his head* your hair is so soft like duck feathers.

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: o.0 carefull now, dont wanna mess it up:-p

2005-02-24 [farawaygone]: hmm says that a red sexy hat could cover hat hair.,

2005-02-24 [Sand Dragon of the East]: this si true but i dont have a sexy red hat, i dont even have a hat

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